Error parsing MDX:
[next-mdx-remote] error compiling MDX:
Unexpected closing tag `</p>`, expected corresponding closing tag for `<img>` (8:26-8:139)
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> 8 | <table><tbody><tr><td><p><img src="" alt="John A. Zachman" width="225" height="150"></p></td><td><h3><em>John Zachman's Concise Definition of The Zachman Framework™<br></em></h3><h3>by<br>John A. Zachman</h3><p>© 2008 John A. Zachman, <em>Zachman International, Inc.</em></p></td></tr></tbody></table>
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10 | Since the _Zachman Framework_™ classification was observed empirically in the structure of the descriptive representations (the architecture) of buildings, airplanes and other complex industrial products, there is substantial evidence to establish that **the _Zachman Framework_™ is the fundamental structure for Enterprise Architecture** and thereby yields the total set of descriptive representations relevant for describing an Enterprise.
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