Forrester Source Document: Forrester Wave - EA Management Suites (EAMS).pdf -- 17 Jan 2023
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Forrester Source Document: Forrester Wave - EA Management Suites (EAMS).pdf – 17 Jan 2023
As a result of these trends, EAMS customers should look for providers that:
- Provide insights capabilities that drive transformation. Internal stakeholders are no longer satisfied with using pure modeling tools to make tactical and strategic decisions. To truly enable organizations to transform the experience of internal and external stakeholders, improve product and service delivery, and optimize internal processes, enterprise architects must have the ability to provide proactive and dynamic insights that drive value delivery. Dynamic modeling, scenario analysis, and maturity assessments must be performed in near real-time through configurable scripts and algorithms or through the adoption of AI technologies.
- Enable organizations to experiment with organizational change. To succeed in transformation, internal stakeholders must advance the adoption of new operating arrangements and practices, raise the quality of employee and stakeholder engagement, and realize the tangible and intangible value from change. Enterprise architects should look for an EAMS that enriches change by providing modeling, assessments, analytics, and visualization of customer-facing and operating model architectures. These capabilities enable all stakeholders to experiment with different architectural configurations to determine the best architecture to support the organization’s vision, mission, and strategy.
- Protect the assets and brand of the organization. When implemented correctly, an organization’s sustainability, security, and resilience efforts build trust, improve the brand, and open new markets. Successful implementation requires organizations to have architectural views that highlight strategic misalignments, immature capabilities, and weaknesses in the enterprise, business, and technology architectures. Enterprise architects must provide their internal stakeholders with awareness of architectural compliance issues regarding regulations and standards and a pathway to a future fit operating model that addresses sustainability, security, and resilience.
Forrester Wave
Vendor Profiles
Our analysis uncovered the following strengths and weaknesses of individual vendors.
- BOC Group is the most improved EAMS vendor but lags in sustainability capabilities. BOC Group, founded in 1995, is established globally, and is particularly strong in EMEA and North America. Its largest industry segments are information technology services, financial services, and pharma. BOC Group will meet the needs of most maturing enterprise architecture (EA) professionals, and its offering provides strong support for customer-facing, security, and organization architecture use cases. The vendor has a strong strategy, particularly in the areas of innovation and partner ecosystem, that will allow it to further improve its position in the market. However, BOC Group could significantly improve its offering position by maturing its support for resilient and sustainability architecture use cases. BOC Group continues to use its community and partner network to evolve its product offering. It has superior out-of-the-box support for security architecture use cases and strong support for customer-facing and organization architecture use cases. The product ADOIT excels at customer experience modeling, best practice and management support for security architecture, risk mitigation capabilities, support for platform architectures, and environmental sustainability materiality analysis. For most other use cases, BOC Group is on par with others evaluated, particularly in its support for insights-driven architecture. However, it lags in support for insights analytics and sustainability data management and carbon calculation. BOC Group is the most improved EAMS offering and is particularly relevant to EA practices that are engaged in transforming end-to-end and secure customer experience architecture.
- MEGA’s HOPEX has the strongest offering but lags in sustainability capabilities. MEGA International, founded in 1991, is established globally and is particularly strong in EMEA and growing in North America. Its largest industry segments are banking/financial services, public sector, and insurance. MEGA International is well known in the EA market and meets the needs of both immature and mature EA professionals. The HOPEX product provides strong support for customer-facing, security, resilient, and organization architecture use cases. MEGA has a strong strategy which is on par with other evaluated vendors and its product roadmap is likely to further improve its strategic position. MEGA is a long-established senior player in the EA market. Its HOPEX product has superior support for four of the six use cases: customer-facing, security, resilient, and organization architecture. HOPEX excels at modeling and analyzing customer experience (CX) architecture elements, supporting security and risk frameworks, supporting risk and threat detection, and management, and modeling human capital assets. It is on par with others evaluated in support for insights-driven architecture use cases and most other use cases. However, it lags in its support for sustainability architecture, particularly in its approach to modeling support data. MEGA is ideal for global and large organizations that need an EA practice that focuses on dynamic business drivers and insights into the impact of their strategic decisions.
- Orbus Software offers the ideal tool for digital and organizational transformation. Orbus Software, founded in 2004, is established globally. It’s particularly strong in North America and EMEA and is growing in APAC. Its largest industry segments are government, financial services, and healthcare. Orbus Software will meet the needs of all EA professionals and provides strong support for resilient and sustainability architecture use cases. Orbus Software has a strong strategy, particularly in customer adoption and pricing strategies, and is likely to continue improving its strategic position in the market. However, Orbus Software could improve its offering position by maturing its support for customer-facing and insights-driven architecture use cases. Orbus is well known as the EA tool with a strong Microsoft alliance. Orbus has superior support for resilient and sustainability architecture use cases. Orbus excels in support for security architecture best practices, resilient architecture threat detection, redundancy and dependency mapping, support for insights and analytics, and support for sustainability data management and calculation. Orbus is on par with other evaluated vendors in its support for most other use cases, but particularly customer-facing and insights-driven architecture. Orbus’s out-of-the-box support for platform architectures and the operationalization of security architecture lags others evaluated. Orbus is ideal for advanced EA practitioners that need insights about their business and operating model transformations, or for immature EA practices that need to manage legacy EA artifacts created in Microsoft office tools.
- Software AG has a strong holistic EA offering for the EAMS market. Software AG, founded in 1969, is established globally and is particularly strong in North America and EMEA. Its largest industry segments are financial services, energy, and logistics. Software AG will meet the needs of all EA professionals and is strong in most Wave criteria. This vendor is particularly strong in supporting customer-facing, insights-driven, and organization architecture use cases. Software AG has one of the strongest strategies overall and is likely to significantly improve its strategic position in the market due to its customer adoption and roadmap approaches. However, Software AG could further improve its offering position by maturing its support for environmental sustainability architecture use cases. One of the best known EAMS vendors, Software AG has superior support for customer-facing and insights-driven architecture use cases. It excels in foundational CX architecture, insights analytics, and operationalizing and human capital allocation in organization architecture. In almost all other use cases, Software AG is on par with others evaluated, particularly its out-of-the-box support for resilient architecture. Software AG lags other evaluated vendors in a few specific areas, such as its support for environmental sustainability carbon footprint calculations and the management of associated data, and its foundational support for security architecture. Software AG is ideal for global and international-focused EA practitioners that are focused on digital transformation and require significant detail for the full architectural stack.
Strong Performers
- Avolution offers a strong algorithm-driven EAMS but is weaker in org architecture. Avolution, founded in 2001, is well established globally, and particularly strong in North America and EMEA, while growing in APAC. Its largest industry segments are financial services, consumer products, and government. Avolution has long been a major player in the EA market. The Abacus product will meet the needs of most traditional and modern EA professionals and is competitive in all use case criteria. Avolution is particularly strong in the capabilities that support resilient and environmental sustainability use cases. Avolution has a very effective strategy overall and is likely to maintain or improve its strategic position in the market due to its approach to its partner ecosystem. Avolution will significantly improve its offering position by improving its support for organizational, customer-facing, and insights architecture use cases. Avolution has strong support for resilient and sustainability architecture use cases while also excelling in best practice capabilities for security architecture, data management of sustainability data, and analysis of resiliency options. Avolution is on par with others evaluated in support for almost all other use cases but particularly customer-facing and insights-driven architecture. It lags in out-of-the-box support for security and organization design where it only provides foundational capabilities in the modeling and analysis of human capital assets and support for the foundational security architecture capabilities. Avolution is ideal for maturing EA practices that look beyond the technology landscape and want to assess the impact of transformation across all architectural domains.
- Bizzdesign excels at insights-driven architecture but must improve its CX architecture. Bizzdesign, founded in 2000, is established globally. It’s particularly strong in EMEA and is growing in North America. Its largest industry segments are finance, government, and utilities. Bizzdesign will meet the needs of most business-centric EA professionals. Its strongest capabilities are in supporting insights-driven and security architecture use cases. Bizzdesign has a strategy that is likely to maintain its strategic position in the market. To improve its strategic positioning, Bizzdesign needs to better utilize its partner ecosystem. To further improve its offering position, Bizzdesign could strengthen its support for sustainable architecture and customer-facing architecture. Bizzdesign continues to evolve its offering to support EA trends. It has superior support for insights-driven architecture use cases. Bizzdesign has a competitive advantage in its approach to support platform architectures and in its modeling and analysis of allocation of work. It is on par with others evaluated in most other use cases but particularly in support for security, organization, and security architecture. It lags in out-of-the-box support for data management related to sustainability architecture, threat detection for resilient architecture, and foundational CX architecture. Overall, Bizzdesign’s future position will be determined by how it improves these criteria. Bizzdesign is ideal for those EA practices that are modernizing or transforming their business architecture or those enterprise architects that need to take a more top-down approach to EA.
- Capsifi is the BA tool of choice but needs to improve its resiliency capabilities. Evolving out of Terry Roach’s academic research in the mid-2000s, Capsifi was founded in 2013 and became fully operational in 2018. Capsifi has strong relationships with the Australian Business Growth Fund. Its client base is spread almost evenly across North America, APAC, and EMEA. Its top three markets are consumer products, consulting services, and financial services. The vendor has a conservative strategy that is on par with other evaluated vendors, which will allow it to maintain its strategic position in the market. Capsifi needs to reimagine its innovation strategy if it is to improve its market position. To improve its offering position, Capsifi could significantly mature its support for resilient and security architecture. Capsifi has superior support for customer-facing and organization architecture use cases. Capsifi excels in support for foundational CX architectures, platform architectures, human capital allocation, and in product/service and customer alignment. It is on par with others evaluated in support for insights-driven architecture. It lags in most criteria for resilience, security, and sustainability architecture use cases. Capsifi’s out-of-the-box offering for environment sustainability data management, insights analytics, and threat detection and risk mitigation is behind other evaluated vendors, although evolving. Capsifi is an ideal tool for those EA practices that are business-centric and tend to adopt top-down architecture practices. Its offering is maturing in technology architecture domains, which will make it more attractive to EA practices needing a holistic view of their organization’s architecture.
- LeanIX is a fast-growing EAMS vendor but lags in key leading-edge use cases. LeanIX, founded in 2012, is established globally and particularly strong in EMEA and North America. Its largest industry segments are manufacturing, retail, insurance, and banking. LeanIX will meet the immediate needs of all EA professionals and strongly supports sustainability architecture use cases. LeanIX is perceived in the market as the newcomer that provides a nimble but powerful EAMS offering that is now competing with incumbent vendors. It lags in support for some areas such as customer-facing and organization architecture use cases. LeanIX has a growth strategy that is likely to maintain its position in the market as its strategy is comparable to other evaluated vendors. However, its customer adoption approach lags others evaluated. LeanIX is known as the agile EA tool, but that phrase ignores the depth of its evolving offering. LeanIX strongly supports the sustainability architecture use case, and it excels at sustainability architecture materiality analysis. Though LeanIX is on a par with others evaluated in many areas of the use case assessment, its out-of-the-box support for customer-facing architecture, particularly in foundation and modeling; organizational architecture, particularly analyzing and operationalizing human capital assets; and security architecture, particularly foundation and operationalization, is slightly lagging the market. LeanIX is ideal for EA practices that are focused on delivering value at speed, rather than having the purest models. It is pragmatic and provides support for many of the leading EA capabilities.
- Planview, the data-driven planning and execution tool, lacks strong ESG capabilities. Planview, founded in 1989, has an established presence globally. It’s particularly strong in North America and growing in EMEA. Its largest industry segments are manufacturing, the public sector, and finance/insurance. Planview’s offering is well known for supporting transformations and therefore it will meet the needs of most transformation-centric EA professionals. It provides organizations with end-to-end transformation capabilities. Additionally, it has strong support for resilient architecture use cases. Planview has an effective strategy and is likely to maintain its strategic position in the market. However, Planview could improve its strategic position by reimaging how third parties can help its vision, innovation, and ecosystem approaches, which are slightly behind other evaluated vendors. Planview’s offering can be improved by maturing its support for security and sustainability architecture use cases. Planview’s strongest capability is its support for resilient architecture use cases. The Planview offering excels at providing insights and analysis of redundancy and overcapacity. For most other use cases, we found Planview to be on par with others evaluated, particularly in out-of-the-box support for organization and insights architecture. Planview lags others evaluated in support for modeling CX architectures; modeling, detecting, and analyzing security threats; and support for the complete sustainability use case, which includes materiality analysis, carbon footprint calculations, and associated data management. Planview is ideal for EA practices that have matured beyond technology architecture and are looking for a holistic offering to manage business and technology transformations.
- Ardoq has strong data-driven capabilities but is falling behind on security and CX. Ardoq, founded in 2013, is established globally. It’s particularly strong in EMEA and is growing in North America. Its largest industry segments are finance/insurance, public sector, and energy. Ardoq will meet the needs of most EA professionals and performs strongest in insight, resilient, and organization architecture use cases. Ardoq has an effective strategy that is comparable to others evaluated and is therefore likely to maintain its strategic position in the market. However, Ardoq could further improve its strategic position by maturing its use of its partner ecosystem to innovate and build a visionary roadmap. Ardoq continues to provide EAs with the functionality to support most leading-edge use cases. Its strongest capabilities are providing advanced insights and the operationalization of all six use cases. Ardoq is on par with others evaluated in many of these key use cases, particularly organization, sustainability, and resilient architecture capabilities. However, to improve its offering position in the market, Ardoq should enhance its out-of-the-box support for customer-facing foundation and modelling capabilities and significantly improve its security architecture capabilities as they are lagging the market. Ardoq is relevant for EA practitioners looking to embed EA into the strategic and operational mindset of their stakeholders and those willing to collaborate with the vendor to align future offerings with their specific future architecture needs.
- ValueBlue offers a good holistic EAMS but needs to evolve leading-edge capabilities. ValueBlue, founded in 2011, has an established presence globally and is particularly strong in North America and Netherlands. Its largest industry segments are retail, healthcare, financial services, and technology. ValueBlue has a pragmatic and effective offering that will meet the needs of most EA professionals and is competitive in all criteria. It is strongest in supporting organization, sustainable, and resilient architecture use cases. ValueBlue has an effective strategy overall and is likely to improve its market position soon due to its strong roadmap. It could improve its strategic position by reimaging its innovation and pricing approaches. And it could improve its offering position by maturing support for customer-facing, security, and insights architecture use cases. A new entrant to the Forrester EAMS Wave, ValueBlue is competitive in one or more of the elements of the six use cases. Its strongest capabilities were in its out-of-the-box support for organization architecture, particularly operationalization and human capital management; sustainability architecture, particularly for materiality assessment; and resilient architecture, particularly for dependency mapping and risk mitigation use cases. There are several areas where ValueBlue is lagging other evaluated vendors, including support for customer-facing and security architecture use cases. Additionally, ValueBlue lags other evaluated vendors in resilient architecture use cases where ValueBlue only provides foundational support for threat detection, analysis, and management. ValueBlue is an evolving product that is ideal for EA practices looking for a pragmatic EA tool that supports foundational use cases across the whole architecture footprint.
- EAS is the light touch EAMS for consultants but must improve resiliency and security. EAS, founded in 2000, has an established presence globally, and is evenly spread across North America, EMEA, and APAC. Its largest industry segments are government, fast-moving consumer goods, and financial services. EAS has a pragmatic offering that will meet the needs of most EA practices providing internal consulting services and is improving in its support of all use cases. Its strongest capability is in support of the organization architecture use case. EAS provides foundational and improving support for all other architecture use cases evaluated in this Wave. EAS has an appropriate strategy overall and is likely to maintain its market position. However, EAS could improve its position by building a more extensive partner ecosystem and focusing on the leading EA trends to guide its vision and roadmap. EAS is an effective light touch EAMS tool that supports all the key functionality expected from an established EA practice. In this assessment, we found that EAS’s strongest capabilities are support for organizational architecture, particularly service/product to customer/value stream modeling and data type modeling. Though EAS lags out-of-the-box support for many other architecture use cases compared to other evaluated vendors, EAS is pragmatically and prudently evolving and being driven by its customer base. EAS needs to pay particular attention to its insights-driven approach to architecture. EAS is ideal for EA practices that are starting out or looking for their first EAMS. It is pragmatic and provides the foundational EA capabilities needed with the ability to support more mature EA practices as an organization evolves.