Error parsing MDX:
[next-mdx-remote] error compiling MDX:
Unexpected character `@` (U+0040) in name, expected a name character such as letters, digits, `$`, or `_`; whitespace before attributes; or the end of the tag (note: to create a link in MDX, use `[text](url)`)
2885 | - Fixed bug related to None queries. Smart mailboxes were not always properly updated when switching to/from “None”.
2886 | - Fixed bug causing any/all changes in the smart mailbox editor to not take immediate effect.
> 2887 | - Improved parsing of From headers like this: “Foo bar <[email protected]> (Comment)”
| ^
2888 | - Address completions no longer include entries like this: “[email protected] <[email protected]>”
2889 | - Fixed problem with disabled toolbar menu items for layouts involving the thread arcs view.
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