Daily Note for: 2023-11-28
Daily Note for: 2023-11-28
Due Today
not done
due on 2023-11-28
Due in the Next Two Weeks
not done
due after 2023-11-28
due before 2023-12-12
To Do (use Ctrl-Tab to create new To Do Tasks)
- #todo Get ATCO Pension dealt with 📅 2024-02-02 ✅ 2024-03-06
- #todo Get ATCO Tax / Payroll info from ADT ⏫ ⏳ 2023-11-28 📅 2023-12-15 ✅ 2024-03-06
- #todo Reminder test 📅 2023-11-28 ✅ 2023-12-11
- #todo Another reminder test 📅 2023-11-29 ✅ 2023-11-30