Error parsing MDX:
[next-mdx-remote] error compiling MDX:
Unexpected character `=` (U+003D) before name, expected a character that can start a name, such as a letter, `$`, or `_`
129 | **High Availability \[HA\]:** The _concept_ of utilising resiliency measures in order to ensure that the service (& associated systems) can be recovered from a failure within the allowed time delay (RTO) & data loss (RPO) for its criticality tier. HA entails both Operational Recovery \[OR\] (component resilience) & Disaster Recovery \[DR\] (site resilience) Redundancy Mechanisms.
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> 131 | **Operational Recovery \[OR\] (Component Resilience / Local Recoverability):** The use of redundant system components & fault tolerance methods within the same site to achieve Recovery (Local Recoverability) from a component failure - usually with an RTO and RPO of <=30 minutes for critical services systems.
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133 | **Disaster Recovery \[DR\] (Site Resilience / Remote Recoverability):** The use of redundant system components in a separate secondary site to achieve recovery (Remote Recoverability) from a complete system failure or site, regional, or national disaster - usually with an RTO & RPO of <= 8 hours for critical services systems.
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