Decoding Flowchart Symbols: A Comprehensive Guide to Visualizing Processes | ConceptDraw

Decoding Flowchart Symbols: A Comprehensive Guide to Visualizing Processes | ConceptDraw


Unlock the flow diagrams language with our flowchart symbols guide. 🔸 Everything you need to know about basics of flowchart, from ✔️ decision points to ✔️ process steps, explore the meaning behind each symbol and master the art of creating clear and effective visual representations of your processes.

Basic of Flowchart: Meaning and Symbols

Flowcharts are the ideal diagrams for visually representing business processes. For example, if you need to show the flow of a custom-order process through various departments within your organization, you can use a flowchart. This paper provides a visual representation of basic flowchart diagram symbols and their proposed use in communicating the structure of a well-developed web site, as well as their correlation in developing on-line instructional projects. A typical flowchart from older Computer Science textbooks may have the following kinds of symbols.

What do Flowchart Shapes Mean?

Start and endRepresented as lozenges, ovals or rounded rectangles, usually containing the word "Start" or "End", or another phrase signaling the start or end of a process, such as "submit enquiry" or "receive product".
ArrowsShowing what's called "flow of control" in computer science. An arrow coming from one symbol and ending at another symbol signifies flow passes to the symbol the arrow points to.
Processing stepsRepresented as rectangles. Examples: "Add 1 to X"; "replace identified part"; "save changes" or similar.
Input/OutputRepresented as a parallelogram. Examples: Get X from the user; display X.
Conditional (or decision)Represented as a diamond (rhombus). These typically contain a Yes/No question or True/False test. This symbol is unique in that it has two arrows coming out of it, usually from the bottom point and right point, one corresponding to Yes or True, and one corresponding to No or False. The arrows should always be labeled. More than two arrows can be used, but this is normally a clear indicator that a complex decision is being taken, in which case it may need to be broken-down further, or replaced with the "pre-defined process" symbol.

A number of other symbols that have less universal currency, such as:

A DocumentRepresented as a rectangle with a wavy base;
A Manual inputRepresented by a rectangle, with the top irregularly sloping up from left to right. An example would be to signify data-entry from a form;
A Manual operationRepresented by a trapezoid with the longest parallel side upmost, to represent an operation or adjustment to process that can only be made manually;
A Data FileRepresented by a cylinder.

Basic Process of Flowchart

Flowcharts may contain other symbols, such as connectors, usually represented as circles, to represent converging paths in the flow chart. Circles will have more than one arrow coming into them but only one going out. Some flow charts may just have an arrow point to another arrow instead. These are useful to represent an iterative process (in Computer Science this is called a loop). A loop may, for example, consist of a connector where control first enters, processing steps, a conditional with one arrow exiting the loop, and one going back to the connector. Off-page connectors are often used to signify a connection to a (part of a) process held on another sheet or screen.

Flowcharts Symbols

A flowchart is described as "cross-functional" when the page is divided into different "lanes" describing the control of different organizational chart units. A symbol appearing in a particular "lane" is within the control of that organizational unit. This technique allows the analyst to locate the responsibility for performing an action or making a decision correctly, allowing the relationship between different organizational units with responsibility over a single process. Flowcharts are great business process improvement tools. Thats why classic flowchart software offen used as business process automation software for developing workflow and automate business processes.

Basic FlowchartBasic Flowchart

Business Process Modeling NotationBusiness Process Modeling Notation

Cross Functional Horizontal FlowchartCross Functional Horizontal

Cross Functional Vertical FlowchartCross Functional Vertical

Data Flow Diagram, Process Flow DiagramData Flow Diagram, Process Flow Diagram

IDEF Diagram

Hidhlight FlowchartHidhlight Flowchart

List and process, Workflow DiagramList and process, Workflow Diagram

Work Flow DiagramWork Flow Diagram

Standard Flowchart Symbols

Flowcharts are the best for visually representation the business processes and the flow of a custom-order process through various departments within an organization.

Flowcharts use special shapes to represent different types of actions or steps in a process. Lines and arrows show the sequence of these steps, and the relationships between them.

Standard Flowchart Symbols Meaning

Pic.1. Standard Flowchart Symbols Meaning

It is very important to use the good looking appropriate design flowchart diagram symbols for making professional flowcharts and diagrams. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM offers a huge choice of many different design elements for creating flowcharts, diagrams, plans, schemes and charts.

There are so many libraries full of design stencils available for our clients’ use. We provide with Standard Flowchart Diagram Symbols for representing different types of actions or steps in a process, including different shapes, lines and arrows; Workflow Chart Symbols for demonstrating the workflow of relationships in some company or organization; Audit Flowchart Symbols which are similar with the basic of flowchart symbols but are specially used in the audit flowchart; Accounting Flowchart Symbols which are the set of symbols found in this solution give accountants the tools they need to describe purchase orders, payments or procurement processes; Sales Flowchart Symbols covering interaction between customer and business, or an internal sales process needed to be performed by workers; HR Flowchart Symbols for mapping processes from every aspect of human resource management, including recruitment, the hiring process, payroll systems and human resource development; Process Flow Diagram Symbols for evaluating and managing quality in a work process chain, placing an emphasis on corporate performance and optimization; Business Process Workflow Symbols for Business Process Model Notation (BPMN) allowing users to present complex process semantics and more precise information for any given step as well as may be used for making professional workflow diagrams or standard describing a business workflow in form of non-classic workflow diagram and many other unique and great looking elements which can be used in order to make your flowcharts special.

See also alternative flowchart symbols:

Workflow Сhart Symbols

Workflow relationships are where work is done by different departments in a fixed sequence. This means that one department needs to finish its job before work can continue in another department. The development and maintenance of these work flow relationships is very important for managers because they are dependant on the preceding areas for his or her own work, and responsible to managers and workers at different stages further down the chain. Workflow relationships development is reflected in the various regular workflow diagram documents and is critical for traing departments and have work done. Workflow diagram also used for passing standard sertifications to prepare workflow descriptions of job dependencies and work chains.

Workflow Symbols, workflow diagram

Pic.2. Workflow Chart Symbols

The following shapes is similar with the basic flowchart symbols but are specially used in the fiscal information tracking, decision making, financial inventories and documenting Six Sigma and ISO 9000 business processes.

Audit Flowchart Symbols

Pic.3. Audit Flowchart Symbols

Accounting Flowchart Symbols

Accounting Flowcharts — the set of symbols found in this solution give accountants the tools they need to describe purchase orders, payments, or procurement processes.

Accounting Flowchart Symbols

Pic.4. Accounting Flowchart Symbols

Sales Process Diagram Symbols

Sales Process Flowcharts can cover interaction between customer and business, or an internal sales process needed to be performed by workers. Management people often use these flowchart symbols for making professional workflow diagram instead of use special workflow chart symbols described above.

Sales Flowcharts Symbols, workflow diagram, process flow diagram

Pic.5. Sales Flowchart Symbols

HR Flowchart Symbols

Use HR flowchart symbols to map processes from every aspect of human resource management, including recruitment, the hiring process, payroll systems and human resource development. These symbols are typically used for creating colorful professional workflow diagram which describes internal workflow process in hr department.

HR Flowchart Symbols, workflow diagram, process flow diagram

Pic.6. HR Flowchart Symbols Guide

Process Map Symbols

Process map symbols help you evaluate and manage quality in a work process chain, placing an emphasis on corporate performance and optimization. A Process Flow Diagram depicts components and their relationships of any system.

Process Map Symbols

Pic.7. Process Map Symbols

Business Process flowchart Symbols

The aim of BPMN is assist in creating a diagram that is immediately understandable to all business stakeholders, with graphic elements that can be adapted to represent any form of function, decision, work flow or data flow.

Data Symbol in Flowchart for Business Process Model Notation (BPMN) v2, which is an extension of the standard flowchart notation, and allows users to present complex process semantics and more precise information for any given step.

Business process workflow symbols occasionally may be used for making professional workflow diagrams or standard describing a business workflow in form of non classic workflow diagram.

Business Process Diagram Symbols, process flow diagram symbols, workflow diagram symbols

Pic.8. Business Process Flow Diagram Symbols

IDEF0 Flowchart Symbols

The IDEF0 Diagrams visualize functional system models using the Integration Definition for Function Modeling (IDEF) methodology. The IDEF0 Diagrams are used for the analysis, development and integration of information and software systems, and business process modelling. IDEF0 Diagrams from ConceptDraw contains the necessary connecting arrows and callouts and computer program flowchart symbols.

IDEF0 Diagram Symbols,process flow diagram,workflow diagram symbols

Pic.9. IDEF0 Diagram Symbols

Education Flowcharts Symbols

The Education flowcharts are plane and solid geometric figures, mathematical symbols, and trigonometrical functions to help create mathematical diagrams, mathematical flowchart, tape diagrams, and mathematic illustrations for scientific and educational purposes.

Education Flowcharts Symbols

Pic.10. Education Flowchart Symbols Guide

Logistics Flow Charts Symbols

Use Logistics Flow Charts for designing attractive Logistics Flow Charts and Diagrams for your enterprise, and effectively use them to make your business successful, to promote the goods and services, and to enhance the economic stability on the market.

Logistics Flow Charts Symbols

Pic.11. Logistics Flow Charts Symbols Guide

Healthcare Management Workflow Diagrams Symbols

Use Healthcare Management Workflow Diagrams to display the processes occurring in a human body, medical algorithms on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of various illnesses, ailments, syndromes, and other disorders in convenient and transparent form of Healthcare Management Flowcharts, Medical Workflow Diagrams and Block Diagrams.

Healthcare Management Workflow Diagrams Symbol

Pic.12. Healthcare Management Workflow Chart Symbols

Types of Structures Flowchart

Your flowcharts will look less subject to errors and much easier to understand when you use only a fixed set of structures:

CaseTypically has more than two possible situations. As an example may be used to decide which pizza to order for company of 5.
LoopThis type of flowcharts is based on multiple repeats of steps or actions. As an example the needed quantity of symbols for creating/entering a passwords. Program will not accept it until user won't enter minimum 7 symbols.
Decision (Conditional)Known as "if","then" chain, used in flowcharts to process further according on decision. A very common in software development. As an example of decision structure flowchart could be a Voice Machine on your phone. If you don't pick a phone after 4 buzzers, voice machine will turn on.
SequenceCommonly used as a step-by-step flowchart symbols guide, which makes flowchart look like a chain of actions used one after another. How to make cookies may be an example. This is because a recipe describes a process or sequence.

The Flowchart Symbols and Their Usage

Process represents a step in your process.

Process Shape

Predefined process indicate a set of steps that combine to create a sub-process that is defined elsewhere, often on another page of the same drawing.

Predefined process shape

Decision indicates a point where the outcome of a decision dictates the next step. There can be multiple outcomes, but often there are just two — yes and no.

Decision shape

Terminal point indicates the starting and ending points of a process.

terminator shape

Data Shape Indicates that information is coming into the process from outside, or leaving the process.

stored data shape

Delay shape Represents a waiting period where no activity is done. In Process Mapping, delays are often important as they may result in adding to the cost of the product or simply delaying its production.

delay shape

Database shape Use this shape for a step that results in information being stored.

database shape

Step represents a single step within a process, and usually contains the name of a specific action.

Page symbols refer to individual web pages, which may or may not contain multiple elements.

File symbols represent those data elements that exist independently of navigational properties outside of that page, e.g., audio sounds, movie clips, or a portable document file (PDF).

A decision point indicates a sequence in the process at which the end user chooses an option, i.e., a "yes-no", or "true-false" response, and then branches to different parts of the flowchart.

Arrows and connecting lines diagram the logical progression through the course, subject to the choices made at decision or action points within the process.

The input/action symbol represents a user response that directs the course flow from that point onwards, i.e., an online test, or questionnaire form.

manual input shape

Represents the choice made by the user from mutually exclusive options, e.g., a student choosing among different lesson plans.

Conditional selector is similar to the conditional branch except that the user has the option to choose from a number of paths that will fulfill the requested conditions, e.g., the results of a search engine request.

Pages that share one or more common aspects, and are functionally identical may be simplified as a rounded corner rectangle, such as an on-line test or feedback form.

Annotations provide helpful comments or explanations, e.g. denoting the location where an undeveloped new page/process will fit into the navigational flow structure, or notes for specific team members for further development.

Flow references and flow areas are symbols for reusable sequences, such as logging in with a specific user id and password to enter the course or to initiate an on-line quiz. The flow reference symbol acts as a placeholder for the flow area sequence in the chart in every situation in which it is repeated.

Flow area is used as a flow area, it documents sections that share similar components/repeated steps within that flow, and requires the use of the following two symbols: entry and exit points.

Exit point concludes the subroutine, such as when the proper user id and password are verified, and documents where the user re-enters the master flowchart.

Entry point documents the place within the master flowchart where the process deviates into a subroutine.

Reference is used as a connecting point when the flowchart necessitates using more than one page, or refers to a complicated subroutine that would be impossible to contain on the main flowchart page.

On-page reference Indicates that the next or previous step is somewhere else on the flowchart. It is particularly useful for large flowcharts.

On-page reference shape

Off-page reference Use the a set of hyperlinks between two pages of a flowchart or between a sub-process shape and a separate flowchart page that shows the steps in that sub-process.

Off-page reference shape

Flowchart Shapes The designers can click this multi-shape to set to any of the following shapes: Data, Document, Decision, or Process. Any text you type onto the shape, or information you add to its Shape Data, remains with the shape.

Flowchart Shapes

Document Represents a step that results in a document.

Document shape

Creating flowcharts use special objects to express what is needed to be presented or explained. Find flowchart symbols meaning as well as specific ones which can be used in different fields of activity showing the workflows in auditing, accounting, selling processes (to show the interaction between customer and sales company or an internal sales process), human resource management (displaying recruitment, payroll systems, hiring process and company’s development) and many more kinds of business in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM as well as Process Map, Business Process, and Education Flowcharts Symbols. Visualize business and technical processes as well as software algorithms, your activities using various shapes connected with arrowed lines showing the process flow directions. Describe your business and technical processes as well as software algorithms using one of the best software for this purpose — ConceptDraw DIAGRAM. Feel free to use any symbol from the set of samples, and templates on Flowchart Solution which are also available in ConceptDraw STORE.

Basic Flowchart Symbols Meaning

Pic.13. Flowchart — Website Launch

The Flowcharts produced with ConceptDraw DIAGRAM are vector graphic documents and are available for reviewing, modifying, and converting:

#Variety of Formats
1.MS Visio
3.PDF file
4.MS PowerPoint Presentation
5.Adobe Flash

You can also use Flowchart solutions from ConceptDraw intended for professional who designing and documenting business processes, preparing business reports, plan projects and manage projects, manage organizational changes, prepare operational instructions, supervising specific department of an organization, workout customer service processes and prepare trainings for customer service personal, carry out a variety of duties to organize business workflow.

Manage Social Media Response Plan DFD →

The Social Media Response solution provides the means to respond to social media mentions quickly and professionally. This tool keeps the entire team on the same page allowing you to realize your social media strategy, improve the quality of your answers, and minimize the time it takes to respond.Manage Social Media Response Plan DFD *

Picture: Manage Social Media Response Plan DFD

Related Solution:

BPMN 2.0 →

ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software offers the Business Process Diagram Solution from the Business Processes Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park with powerful tools to help you easy represent the business processes and create the business process diagrams based on BPMN 2.0 standard.BPMN 2.0 *

Picture: BPMN 2.0

Related Solution:

Timeline Examples →

ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software offers the Timeline Diagrams solution from the Management area which is rich for the timeline examples, samples, templates and ready-to-use vector shapes.Timeline Examples *

Picture: Timeline Examples

Related Solution:

Internal Audit Process →

Internal auditing is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organization's operations. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software extended with Audit Flowcharts solution from the Finance and Accounting area perfectly suits for the Internal Audit Process. You can make sure this right now!Internal Audit Process *

Picture: Internal Audit Process

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Good Flow Chart app for Mac →

The ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is a good flow chart app for Mac. Numerous vector stencils, samples and templates created by designers allows you to draw any type of flowchart.Good Flow Chart app for Mac *

Picture: Good Flow Chart app for Mac

Related Solution:

Audit Flowchart Symbols →

Accounting is a cornerstone of any business, it’s basement. If you want to have a visual representation of your finance management, use audit flowchart symbols to document the money flow. Although some would say that accounting is boring, it is very a responsible duty. The audit flowchart symbols is supplied with ConceptDraw Audit Flowcharts solution as a vector objects library. Together with Conceptdraw Drawing capabilities it forms the helpful tool for audit process planning and setting the steps of audit by designing audit flow charts. Audit Flow charts are used to organize fiscal information tracking process as well as in accounting, finance and investment management.Audit Flowchart Symbols *

Picture: Audit Flowchart Symbols

Related Solution:

Process Flow Chart Symbols →

Process Flow Chart is a visual diagram which shows the processes and relationships between the major components in a system, and uses for this the special process flow chart symbols: special shapes to represent different types of actions and process steps, lines and arrows to represent relationships and sequence of steps. It often named process flow diagram, it use colored flowchart symbols. It is incredibly convenient to use the ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software extended with Flowcharts Solution from the "Diagrams" Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park for designing professional looking Process Flow Charts.Process Flow Chart Symbols *

Picture: Process Flow Chart Symbols

Related Solution:

TQM Software — Build Professional TQM Diagrams →

The Total Quality Management Diagram solution helps you and your organization visualize business and industrial processes. Create Total Quality Management diagrams for business process with ConceptDraw software.TQM Software — Build Professional TQM Diagrams *

Picture: TQM Software — Build Professional TQM Diagrams

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Simple Drawing Applications for Mac →

ConceptDraw gives the ability to draw simple diagrams like flowcharts, block diagrams, bar charts, histograms, pie charts, divided bar diagrams, line graphs, area charts, scatter plots, circular arrows diagrams, Venn diagrams, bubble diagrams, concept maps, and others.Simple Drawing Applications for Mac *

Picture: Simple Drawing Applications for Mac

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