
To view the Interactive Voice of the Customer for this market, click the Launch button at the top of this page.

What Are Enterprise Architecture Tools?

Gartner defines the market for enterprise architecture (EA) tools as tools that allow organizations to examine both the need for and the impact of change. They allow users to capture the interrelationships and interdependencies within and between an ecosystem of partners, operating models, capabilities, people, processes, information, and applications and technologies. They provide a central repository to capture data and metadata about the artifacts that an enterprise cares about and their related life cycles. Models represent the relationships between these artifacts and are themselves treated as assets that help describe and shape the future of the enterprise.

EA tools provide a means to model the business and IT aspects of the enterprise in support of business outcome delivery. Doing so requires the collaboration of multiple stakeholders across the organization — each playing a different role at a different time. The models and methods used by the stakeholders will vary depending on their role and must be integrated and connected to other models to be useful. To support these needs, EA tools have two aspects. The first provides a modeling environment, along with a supporting repository. The second facilitates collaboration between a diverse group of stakeholders across the organization, right from business strategy to IT.

A broad array of architectural and IT disciplines, such as business, information, solution, security, applications and infrastructure use EA tools. EA tools operate at many levels and across a wide spectrum to enable insights and support informed decision making. With such a broad array of stakeholders, EA tools must also facilitate their consumption of, and contribution to, the information contained within the repository. As they undertake their work, these users switch between an ever-expanding set of views and visual representations of the datasets contained in the repository.

What Is Gartner Peer Insights “Voice of the Customer”?

The “Voice of the Customer” is a document that synthesizes Gartner Peer Insights’ reviews into insights for IT decision makers. This aggregated peer perspective, along with the individual detailed reviews, is complementary to Gartner expert research and can play a key role in your buying process, as it focuses on direct peer experiences of implementing and operating a solution. In this document, only vendors with 20 or more eligible published reviews (and 15 or more ratings for “Capabilities” and “Support/Delivery”) during the specified 18-month submission period are included. Reviews from vendor partners or end users of companies with less than $50M in revenue are excluded from this methodology. See the full “Voice of the Customer” methodology here.

Along with the historical peer-based perspective represented in this document, Gartner has a related expert-led Magic Quadrant for the EA tools market. For related research in this market, please visit the Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Architecture Tools.

In the EA tools market, Gartner Peer Insights has published 627 reviews and ratings in the 18-month period ending 29 February 2024. Figure 1 shows all eligible vendors categorized into four quadrants based on User Interest and Adoption (x-axis) and Overall Experience (y-axis). Within each quadrant, vendors are listed in alphabetical order. Market averages for the axes referenced in the Voice of the Customer are calculated only from vendors included in the document.

Vendors’ User Interest and Adoption scores incorporate three factors, each given one-third weight: review volume, user willingness to recommend, and review market coverage across industry, company size, and region. A vendor must meet or exceed the market average User Interest and Adoption Score to qualify for the right-hand quadrants.

Vendors’ Overall Experience is a composite score that incorporates the Overall Rating average and two sub-rating averages: “Capabilities” and “Support/Delivery.” The rating averages are the arithmetic means of the stated survey questions that are on a scale of 1 (poor) to 5 (truly exceptional). Each component is weighted in the score calculation based on the relative importance to the end user. A vendor must meet or exceed the market average Overall Experience Score to be positioned in an upper quadrant.

For ease of understanding, each quadrant is labeled as described below. For information on how to evaluate vendors in each quadrant of the “Voice of the Customer” graphic, see the full methodology here.

Vendors placed in the upper-right quadrant of the “Voice of the Customer” quadrants are recognized with the Gartner Peer Insights Customers’ Choice distinction, denoted with a Customers’ Choice badge. The recognized vendors meet or exceed both the market average Overall Experience and the market average User Interest and Adoption.

Vendors placed in the lower-right “Established” quadrant of the “Voice of the Customer” meet or exceed the market average User Interest and Adoption but do not meet the market average Overall Experience.

Vendors placed in the upper-left “Strong Performer” quadrant of the “Voice of the Customer” meet or exceed the market average Overall Experience but do not meet the market average User Interest and Adoption.

Vendors placed in the lower-left “Aspiring” quadrant of the “Voice of the Customer” meet neither the market average User Interest and Adoption nor the market average Overall Experience. Like all vendors in this report, their products align to this market and they have met the minimum criteria to be included.

Figure 1. Voice of the Customer for Enterprise Architecture Tools

Source: Gartner (May 2024)

All vendors are classified under specific quadrants based on their “overall experience” and “user interest and adoption.”  “Customers’ Choice” quadrant represents the highest overall experience and maximum user interest and adoption.

Enterprise Architecture Tools Peer Reviews and Ratings

In addition to the synthesis provided by the “Voice of the Customer,” you can read individual reviews and ratings on Gartner Peer Insights by  clicking here.

The rest of this document will highlight some key insights for the EA tools market based on 18 months of reviews, and will also point you to particular ways to use the site in your buying process.

Gartner Peer Insights’ reviews give insight into end users’ willingness to recommend each vendor. Willingness to recommend is a component of the “Voice of the Customer” x-axis. See  Voice of the Customer Methodology for details. Figure 2 compares vendors by the percent of reviewers who were willing to recommend them (see “Methodology” section for details). To create a more detailed comparison between several vendors on your shortlist, please  click here to go to the Peer Insights market page and press the “Compare Alternatives” button under the vendor/product you are interested in.

Figure 2. Voice of the Customer for Enterprise Architecture Tools, Willingness to Recommend

Source: Gartner (May 2024)

Eligible vendors compared based on their “overall reviews” and reviewers’ “willingness to recommend.”

Voice of the Customer Segment View

Figure 3 through Figure 4 group vendors in the market under a specific customer segment of industry, region or company size based on the demographics of their reviewers. Gartner Peer Insights collects this information from end users’ account profiles and submitted reviews. Only vendors with 20 or more eligible reviews (and 15 or more ratings for “Capabilities” and “Support/Delivery”) in the segment in the 18-month review period are included. For each segment, vendors are positioned based on the market average Overall Experience on the y-axis, and User Interest and Adoption on the x-axis. User Interest and Adoption is calculated from review count score and willingness to recommend (each weighted 50%). Only reviews from reviewers in the segment are included in the calculations for both axes. Review market coverage is not included in this calculation because each graph refers to one particular segment.

A vendor must meet or exceed the average User Interest and Adoption Score in the segment to qualify for the right-hand quadrants. A vendor must meet or exceed the average Overall Experience in the segment to be positioned in the upper quadrants. Both averages, for Overall Experience, and User Interest and Adoption, are calculated using only reviews in the segment for vendors included on the graph.

Vendors placed in the upper-right quadrant of the segment quadrants are recognized through the Customers’ Choice Segment Distinction. The recognized vendors meet or exceed both the average Overall Experience and the average User Interest and Adoption for the segment (see  here for details).

Company Size Segment View (by Annual Revenue)

Region Segment View

Company Size Segment View (by Annual Revenue)

Figure 3. Voice of the Customer for Enterprise Architecture Tools, Midsize Enterprise (50M - 1B USD)

Source: Gartner (May 2024)

A “company size” segmented view of this market, arranging all eligible vendors based on their “overall experience” and “user interest and adoption” in quadrants. The upper right quadrant highlights vendors that are Customers’ Choice.

Region Segment View

Figure 4. Voice of the Customer for Enterprise Architecture Tools, Europe, the Middle East and Africa

Source: Gartner (May 2024)

EMEA-based view of this market, arranging all eligible vendors based on their “overall experience” and “user interest and adoption” in quadrants. The upper right quadrant highlights vendors that are Customers’ Choice.

Vendor Summaries

Figures 5 through 12 summarize key information for each vendor included in the “Voice of the Customer”: reviewer demographics for reviews received in the 18-month review period, ending 29 February 2024; Overall Rating and rating distribution; and other ratings covering specific aspects of the experience with the vendor. The same eligibility requirements and weighting used in the “Voice of the Customer” quadrants also apply for ratings in the vendor summary figures, including overall star rating, willingness to recommend, and rating by category (see methodology page  here for details). Below each image is a direct link to the user reviews on the Peer Insights site.

Figure 5. Voice of the Customer for Enterprise Architecture Tools, Ardoq Vendor Summary

Source: Gartner (May 2024)

This vendor demographic, including rating histogram and rating by category, along with company size, industry and deployment region, displays customers’ willingness to recommend this vendor.

Read all Peer Insights user reviews for  Ardoq.

Figure 6. Voice of the Customer for Enterprise Architecture Tools, Bizzdesign Vendor Summary

Source: Gartner (May 2024)

This vendor demographic, including rating histogram and rating by category, along with company size, industry and deployment region, displays customers’ willingness to recommend this vendor.

Read all Peer Insights user reviews for  Bizzdesign.

Figure 7. Voice of the Customer for Enterprise Architecture Tools, BOC Group Vendor Summary

Source: Gartner (May 2024)

This vendor demographic, including rating histogram and rating by category, along with company size, industry and deployment region, displays customers’ willingness to recommend this vendor.

Read all Peer Insights user reviews for  BOC Group.

Figure 8. Voice of the Customer for Enterprise Architecture Tools, Enterprise Architecture Solutions Vendor Summary

Source: Gartner (May 2024)

This vendor demographic, including rating histogram and rating by category, along with company size, industry and deployment region, displays customers’ willingness to recommend this vendor.

Figure 9. Voice of the Customer for Enterprise Architecture Tools, LeanIX Vendor Summary

Source: Gartner (May 2024)

This vendor demographic, including rating histogram and rating by category, along with company size, industry and deployment region, displays customers’ willingness to recommend this vendor.

Read all Peer Insights user reviews for  LeanIX.

Figure 10. Voice of the Customer for Enterprise Architecture Tools, MEGA International Vendor Summary

Source: Gartner (May 2024)

This vendor demographic, including rating histogram and rating by category, along with company size, industry and deployment region, displays customers’ willingness to recommend this vendor.

Figure 11. Voice of the Customer for Enterprise Architecture Tools, Orbus Software Vendor Summary

Source: Gartner (May 2024)

This vendor demographic, including rating histogram and rating by category, along with company size, industry and deployment region, displays customers’ willingness to recommend this vendor.

Figure 12. Voice of the Customer for Enterprise Architecture Tools, ValueBlue Vendor Summary

Source: Gartner (May 2024)

This vendor demographic, including rating histogram and rating by category, along with company size, industry and deployment region, displays customers’ willingness to recommend this vendor.

Read all Peer Insights user reviews for  ValueBlue.


Gartner Peer Insights “Voice of the Customer” Methodology: A full description can be found on the  Voice of the Customer Methodology page.

The data used in this report is drawn from reviews on Peer Insights, a crowdsourced enterprise review platform that relies on dynamic data. Key to maintaining the integrity of the site is our ongoing moderation and validation of those reviews. Reviews are examined before publishing to the site and periodically, post publishing.

Due to the dynamic nature of the data, the external Peer Insights site will always have the most updated view of the vendors and products in this report. The “Voice of the Customer” methodology uses a snapshot of review data from a defined time frame. This “Voice of the Customer” report should therefore be used along with the detailed and current information available directly on the Peer Insights site for the most up-to-date view of the data for this market and associated segment views.

The “Voice of the Customer” report includes numerical scores for Overall Rating and four category ratings in each vendor summary. These numerical scores are weighted averages based on the available sample size of eligible reviews within the stated time frame. Thus, they are best interpreted as sample statistics with a reasonable margin for error, not as exact values.

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