If we see any domain (or skill even) as the result of a complex self-organizing emergent system (which we should) then stages are a natural emergent property … because …
- Complex system is a dynamical system. If you have a dynamical systems with multiple (stable) equlibria then you will have basins of attraction and as you move out of one into another you will have rapid shifts to a new stage.
- Metaphor of a child learning to stand or to walk.
- Phase changes in water and other system. Continuous changes in an underlying variable at phase transitions lead to major structural shifts and in the self-organization of the system.
- Think of water freezing and going from liquid to solid. Or liquid water boiling and going from liquid to gas.
Backup / References
#TODO find citations / materials e.g.
- Dawson paper
- FOLA materials (had a whole section on this)
- Paper from reading group from Isabella