2025-02-04 Distinguishing (latent) capacities and (manifest) skills
6-Session Prototype Course Intro to Deliberately Developmental Spaces (DDS)
Aside Essenes and Qumran sect as example of a pioneering DDS pocket albeit in an earlier age
Cognitive complexity as measured by lectica is correlated with role
Commons ...
Correlation in the Wilber-Coombs matrix and generally correlation and complementarity across domains
DMR waking up
Domain confusion in Lectica too?
Domains, maps, rafts
Example of how lack of map causes problem in meditation (Mind Iluminated)
Fischer on multiple domains of skills
From Piaget to Dawson - the evolution of adult developmental metrics
Fundamental Wellbeing Continuum
Gebser stages
Growth trajectory of leaders with general lectica trajectories diagram
Heinz moral dilemma
Inglehart Welzel cultural map
Integral Psychology
Intro to Deliberately Developmental Spaces
Issues with psychograph according to Esbjorn-Hargens in that it is poorly defined and lacks good maps and compasses
Kurt Fischer's Dynamic Skills Theory
Martin Matrix
Michael Commons
Mind Illuminated (Book)
Models of Hierarchical Complexity
ontogenesis aka inner development
People are not at levels (Lectica)
Prompt questions for the course
Psychograph in integral spirituality
Raw 7 - rafts
Rosetta stone aka glossary of terms with mappings
Stage theory in meditation (Mind Illuminated)
States and stages are distinct quote re SD and meditation from Wilber Integral Spirituality
Ten stages of meditation (Mind Illuminated)
Transformative change is really hard according to Theo Dawson
Waking up should lead to profound worldview changes at least re self (Mind Illuminated)
What terminology to use? inner development, inner growth, ontogenesis, cultivating inner capacities?
Why we expect stages in any kind of developmental evolutionary trajectory
Why we want DDS - three levels a) second renaissance b) resilience in metacrisis c) simple flourishing
Wilber Coombs matrix
Wilber has at least 10 lines of development in Integral Spirituality
Wilber on the domains distinction (Wilber V vs III and IV)
Wilber things there is a complementarity between waking up (states) and stages (growing up?)
Wilber thinks waking up is not stage like in the way other domains are stage like
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